Southampton: Campaigners call for end to Iran executions on Above Bar 30th September
By Matt Davey Reporter
Members of the Association of Academics in Exile manned a stall opposite the Bargate on Above Bar Street on Saturday (September 28).
They called for an end to killings in the country where capital punishment is a legal penalty.
Mehdi Manesh from Chandler's Ford emigrated to the UK from Iran 30-years ago and now wants people to sign a petition that he can send to MPs, highlighting the issues taking place in his birth country.
The 64-year-old said: “We’re running an exhibition supporting Iranian people.
“This week is ‘stop execution week,’ we want to stop executions happening in Iran.
“We want people to sign our petition, that we will the send to the local MPs, to try and push the gademics In Exile Association
·ademics In Exile Association

A book table & exhibition were held today in #Southampton to commemorate the anniversary of the 2022 uprising of the Iranian people. The event included signing a petition in support of the uprising and political prisoners in #Iran #IranProtests #PoliticalPrisoner #FreeIran2024
7:04 PM · Sep 21, 2024
Working on a range of human rights issues, the Association of Academics in Exile travel around Hampshire each week to ask for support.
Last week the campaigners were in Southampton again, highlighting the two-year anniversary of Iran's uprising, which saw civil unrest following the death of Mahsa Amini.
“We have between 50 and 100 people sign our petition every day, so I think it shows the wider public are concerned and want to support us,” said Mehdi.
“We have exhibitions every week, it’s very helpful for us to spread the message about what is happening Iran and try to put an end to the executions which is wrong in any society.”
Osrav30th September 5:45 am
User ID: 5429954
Faced with a stall campaigning against their regime in Southampton, it is rumoured the Ayatollah Khomeini is preparing his resignation letter.
Last Updated: 30th September 8:35 pm
↪ in reply to Osrav
Osrav30th September 5:48 am
User ID: 5429954
If you really want to make a difference, crowdfund the Ayatollah a pager.
Last Updated: 30th September 8:35 pm
↪ in reply to Osrav
rightway30th September 5:52 am
User ID: 219399
Osravwrote: Faced with a stall campaigning against their regime in Southampton, it is rumoured the Ayatollah Khomeini is preparing his resignation letter.
You do realise he died in 1989.
Last Updated: 30th September 10:08 pm
↪ in reply to rightway
Osrav30th September 3:10 pm
User ID: 5429954
At the risk of sounding racist I don't really see the difference between all the tollah's and asrallah's so make of that what you will His death predates my birth anyway
Last Updated: 30th September 7:38 pm
The Noogies Are Back!!!30th September 6:00 am
User ID: 5140236
Wow!!! I bet whoever is doing the executions in Iran is shaking in their boots that a 64-year old man in Southampton is setting up a stall in protest of what they're doing in Iran...
Last Updated: 30th September 8:37 pm
↪ in reply to The Noogies Are Back!!!
Steven Stevenson30th September 12:51 pm
User ID: 5188538
He is just a small part in a much bigger group
Saints Be Praised30th September 8:07 am
User ID: 216264
I really don't understand these people petitioning in Southampton against executions in Iran, do they really think Tehran will listen to their local MP? A worthy cause it may well be, but it's also a massive waste of time
Last Updated: 30th September 8:37 pm
↪ in reply to Saints Be Praised
Steven Stevenson30th September 12:56 pm
User ID: 5188538
It's call external pressure. One MP grows into 2 MP and so on, till it gets the support of government and then more governments join in and so on Yes, it does take time. When the Socialist Party started the Anti-Poll-Tax revolt, it started with 4 members in a Glasgow Cafe over a cup of Coffee and look how that grew 18 million people joined that cause and bring down an evil government
↪ in reply to Steven Stevenson
Osrav30th September 3:11 pm
User ID: 5429954
Yeah mate, poll tax riots in Portsmouth were started by socialists in Glasgow. In fact, the socialists in Glasgow also invented colour television and the Internet, but you won't hear that from the mainstream media...
Last Updated: 30th September 8:19 pm
↪ in reply to Osrav
Steven Stevenson1st October 1:43 am
User ID: 5188538
Did you ever do any research on how those riots were triggered off. They were started by the police, they went in with truncheon swinging at people heads, it was done deliberately to give the peaceful demonstration a bad name and to lose it popularity, it failed to work, even at the enquires after it was all over and John Major was in office blame the police in there heavy-handedness, it cost the Home office millions in payment to those who were hit and left scars on their heads and faces
Richard Peacock30th September 8:28 am
User ID: 5317376
The Iranian government will do what they want, when they want and to who they want and violence is part of their culture.
Last Updated: 30th September 10:08 pm
Demmamussabebonk30th September 9:02 am
User ID: 4081829
Is he going to set up a stall next to it to petition against the 27 states in the US that still have the death penalty?
Last Updated: 30th September 8:19 pm
↪ in reply to Demmamussabebonk
didold30th September 9:40 am
User ID: 2088395
At least in the 27 States most if not all get a trial for a least one murder committed ! Had years to appeal their innocence ! In Iran they can and often, do hang someone for just calling out the Ayatollahs ,no one was ever harmed by being name called . The same leaders who also fund and supply terrorists the world over. They decry the deaths of women and children, yet when a woman or child are turned into suicide bombers, they actually show it live on Iranian T.V. then show the bomber superimposed as a "Golden Angel " fluttering upto their Paradise.
Last Updated: 30th September 7:40 pm
↪ in reply to didold
Galesa30th September 11:14 am
User ID: 1157810
They’ve started jailing people in the UK for words they have written. Is this the slippery slope?
Last Updated: 30th September 8:19 pm
↪ in reply to didold
Steven Stevenson30th September 1:27 pm
User ID: 5188538
You do realise that the UK is extremely guilty of supplying and funding terrorist, as are the USA, You look at history every single Empire that's ever been have supplied terrorist with funds and weapons. Look at who we supplied funds and weapons to, we supply terrorist Israel to have a free hand at mass murder, We also supply the Ukrainian Nazis since 2012 at least, we also supplied Taliban, the Brotherhood, Isis as did the USA, We help France to have the shah of Iran removed and replace with Ayatollah Khomeini, because of the connection the Shah had with Russia, We help the USA to have the Afghanistan Shah removed and replace, which did not go down very well, so they got that government overthrown and replace with the Taliban all because of their connection with Russia And that was just some of the evils our country as done, So before you start casting stones on another country, just think who put them there and all the things that our government as done to create these situations
↪ in reply to Steven Stevenson
didold30th September 5:44 pm
User ID: 2088395
Sorry Southy I've read different books to you and maybe been to different countries than you maybe. Iran being one you maybe have missed. You're talking about what kings ,presidents and governments have done for thousands of years. I'm talking about a Country that tortures and murders their own citizens men,women, boys and girls for just speaking out,like we enjoy ,it's free speech, Southy not something to be strung up on a crane for. Didn't Socialist Russia go into Afghanistan in the seventies to "Protect " the Leader ? Then kill him and put their man in charge ,that's when we and the U.S. helped various Afghan clans to rise up ,the rest is history. Now you don't think Hamas and Hezbollah are angels do you .They wanted what Israel is now dishing out. The Ayotollahs have promised for decades to absolutely exterminate the Jews not just the Israelis is that OK with ,Southy from Redbridge. Next stop will be the Nazarani 's and the Kaffirs Southy ,that's me , you and all the Unbelievers in this Wonderful World. Lucky we can talk freely about this and other topics, not for much longer if your Hero Starmer , Blair and Corby have their way though, I don't fancy what they are still capable of anything more draconian than a couple years in the Slammer !
Last Updated: 30th September 10:08 pm
↪ in reply to didold
Steven Stevenson1st October 1:55 am
User ID: 5188538
You are missing the point, We put people like that in charge, as for Russia they were asked to enter the country to stop the USA back Taliban. "The Ayatollahs have promised for decades to absolutely exterminate the Jews not just the Israelis" That is miss representation of what was really said, they promise to bring Israel under control and if that means killing its civilians while doing so, If you want the real truth go and chat to Arab Jews and stop listen to the Zionist Jews media You can thank the Socialist thinking people you are able to talk like this if the capitalist had their way you would be lock up, and would be in proverity, slaves to the gentry
↪ in reply to Steven Stevenson
rightway30th September 10:34 pm
User ID: 219399
Steven Stevensonwrote: You do realise that the UK is extremely guilty of supplying and funding terrorist, as are the USA, You look at history every single Empire that's ever been have supplied terrorist with funds and weapons. Look at who we supplied funds and weapons to, we supply terrorist Israel to have a free hand at mass murder, We also supply the Ukrainian Nazis since 2012 at least, we also supplied Taliban, the Brotherhood, Isis as did the USA, We help France to have the shah of Iran removed and replace with Ayatollah Khomeini, because of the connection the Shah had with Russia, We help the USA to have the Afghanistan Shah removed and replace, which did not go down very well, so they got that government overthrown and replace with the Taliban all because of their connection with Russia And that was just some of the evils our country as done, So before you start casting stones on another country, just think who put them there and all the things that our government as done to create these situations
I've read up quite a bit on the Mongolian Empire, they never supplied terrorists with weapons or funds. They were the terror, so needed no-one to do their dirty work for them. So saying "every single Empire that's ever been" is a bit of an exaggeration.
Last Updated: 30th September 10:34 pm
↪ in reply to rightway
Steven Stevenson1st October 1:59 am
User ID: 5188538
How do you think one man bought all those nomad tribes together to be an Empire, it all started by supplying funds and weapons to one tribe to attack another, that came before they were the terror but yes a good point
Last Updated: 1st October 1:59 am
↪ in reply to Steven Stevenson
rightway1st October 5:20 am
User ID: 219399
He couldn't have supplied anything, because him, his mother and brothers were abandoned by his tribe after the death of his father, the chief.
↪ in reply to Demmamussabebonk
Steven Stevenson30th September 1:35 pm
User ID: 5188538
23 states, 3 states have suspended executions and 23 states have banned it all together and 1 state that as never had the death penalty
TownRat30th September 2:49 pm
User ID: 4288076
I assume he could not make this same protest in Iran for fear of being executed.
Last Updated: 30th September 8:35 pm
↪ in reply to TownRat
SHAVE HEAD TATTOO&Stupid30th September 6:40 pm
User ID: 5441263
I don't care what goes on over there ,, there s bunch of Nutters ,, is it this month its 300,000 chanting Death to the west ,, or is it sing along death to USA
Sepide Fatemi30th September 3:58 pm
User ID: 5468964
Thanks to you and those who arranged this event. Few of my family members were among those executed by Iran's regime only because they wanted democracy. These activities are very important to stop human rights violations in Iran.
Last Updated: 1st October 5:17 pm
Citizen Kane30th September 4:24 pm
User ID: 3919941
We are not the country that has the influence to stop foreign wars and regime crimes. Please take your plight to the Embassy of your country.
Last Updated: 30th September 10:08 pm
SHAVE HEAD TATTOO&Stupid30th September 6:29 pm
User ID: 5441263
DON't be stupid your going to have to ban Islam then fat chance of that happening .. there will be up roar what are they going to chant then if they can't chant "death to the west " your going to have to ban" Sheree law " it al goes Hand in Hand , you do wrong we will kill ya .. or stone you to death .. -- The Human Rights Commission of the National Council of the Iranian Resistance estimates that at least 150 people have been stoned in Iran since 1980 -- you miss behave we Kill YA
Last Updated: 30th September 7:20 pm
rightway1st October 10:32 am
User ID: 219399
Not under religious zealots, but personally for certain crimes I'm totally in favour of corporal punishment and death penalty.
Last Updated: 1st October 5:18 pm